Yesterday my dad calls me at school. Because he got a quote for a transmission for me so the total for the transmission plus labor is $1600. I told him I wasn't ready to get it fixed because I would be spending all my money and have nothing left. He told me that's life and that I was being ungrateful. Then he yelled at me and was like all I do is try and help you and all you do is nix me off. I was like I'm sorry but I'm not ready. So he basically threaten me and said you either make the decision by tonight to get your car fixed or I'm giving it to your brother.
Meanwhile, he calls my aunt to ask her to talk to me and feeds her a completely different story. So she calls me like 7 hours later to talk to me. Meanwhile, this is all happening when I'm on campus. So now I'm upset again, because my dad told her that he got a notice from the town that they were gunna fine us or tow my car if it didn't get registered soon. So now I'm crying for the second time. I go to my last class for the night get home around 9:30. Talk to my dad, get things straightened out. Things seem fine again.
Then a few hours ago, my dad calls the house from work asks my brother to call my mom and ask her to stop at his work on the way home. She stops in and is in a bad mood from work. He tells her that he doesn't feel good, he is dizzy, has dry heaves and pressure on his chest. She blows him off because she had a bad day. So he gets home a little while ago and he's pissed off at her.
I guess he wanted to go to the ER but she was an ass and completely ignored him. Well now he wont go and I'm getting upset because first of all he's sick. Second of all, he has a history of heart problems. But now he's being stubborn because she blew him off. Like seriously, I wish the both of them would grow the f up. Now I'm stressed out because I don't want anything to happen to him because i would die if I was left with my mother and my brother. Because no matter what I do in her eye's I'm always wrong. My brother is perfect. I just really wish he would go. I'm just really upset now and stressed. Ugh, so much for having a productive night of homework. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be able to deal with this.
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