July 18, 2014

By Choice, Not Blood

I'm not going to lie when I found out that my best friend would be moving 25 hours and thousands of miles away, I was scared. Not only that she'd be so far but I was scared that our friendship would change. I was worried that we wouldn't be as close as we were at the point. That the distance would somehow change all of that. It was hard saying "see you later" to her but the next day I realized nothing was going to change.

I kept thinking I don't know what I'm going to do without her but I'm not losing her. Maybe a little bit in distance but that's about it. She's still her and I'm still me. She's only a phone call or a short plane ride away. I'm realizing if anything this distance will bring us closer together. Although we might not see each other like we used to, that hasn't changed our friendship. We still text all the time, have our random phone calls and Skype sessions. Nothing will change the fact that we are best friends, sisters and family. We may not be sisters or family by blood, but we are sisters and family by choice. I think that's the best kind of family there is.

One of the many pictures we took before she left.

I love my best friend and sister.

"A strong friendship doesnt need daily conversation..
Doesnt always need togetherness...
As long as the
Relationship lives in the heart
True friends will never be apart."

Taking Back My Life

Last summer I made the decision to make the summer all about me and what I needed.  I found myself again, I discovered who I was and who I wanted to be. I grab the reins of my life and took back control. I stopped worrying about what everyone expected from me and wanted me to do. I starting doing what I wanted aside from all the doctors appointments and such.

This summer I've decided to enjoy my life, to have fun and not worry so much about doctor's appointments. I've decided to stop worrying over being sick and just live my life because I might not never get any worse. So I decided to become a true redhead!

(Left picture is before..Right picture is after.)
Okay so it might not be the best picture ever but you can tell that I'm a redhead and I'm loving it!
Here's to living my life for ME!

July 01, 2014

Summer Fun!

So I've been searching Pinterest for DIY Project Ideas for the Summer. I found this days of the week thing that's below.

M ake Something Monday
T ake a Trip Tuesday
W et & Wild Wednesday
T asty Thursday
F resh & Fun Friday
S ightseeing Saturday
S imple Fun Sunday

I think I'm going to try these, I probably won't do each one every week because of work but I want to try to do at least a couple a week.