November 01, 2014

Things You Should Hear

I have a ton of friends who are in relationships. A few of those are in engagements. It's hard for me to understand why my friends have chosen to enter serious, long term relationships when they aren't treated as well as they should be.These are just some things that they should know:
  1. You are allowed to do whatever you want, within limits of course. That's not to suggest cheating, or anything crazy.
  2. If you make your own money, you are allowed to spend your own money however you want.
  3. You are allowed to eat whatever you want.
  4. You are allowed to watch whatever you want.
  5. There are a thousand things I could say to you about what you are allowed to do, but I shouldn't have to tell you.
  6. Most importantly, you are allowed to be you.
If any of these things, or something else that is equally outlandish, threaten to destroy your relationship maybe it's time to take a step back and really look at the big picture. I know you love him and he loves you but is this really love? I know that relationships require compromises but when you look at it, has he made any compromises for you? From this point of view it looks like you are making all of the compromises. Maybe I'm wrong.

My wish for you is that you could see what I see and that you don't have to change who you are. I hope that maybe I'm just not seeing the whole picture. My wish for you is that you are able to live your life the way you want to, without restraints. My wish for you is that you are happy.  Your family, and friends, love you and only want the best for you.

You deserve to live the life you want. You deserve more.

But if the life you want to live includes giving up things you love for your relationship and you are okay with that, then I'll be okay with it too. These are just some things I really thought you needed to hear.

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