August 11, 2011


A moment can change anything. A moment changed my life for two years. It was a moment that last only a mere few seconds, but those few seconds of that moment change my life for a long two years. The moment I realized I had to let the chains going between us was the slowest moment of my life. It was all for the best, because that means I can move on and that I’m maturing. That I can let go of the feelings I felt for you only a short time ago but still be your best friend. Things like this happen only in a moment. Moments are important, some many never be replaced. They can change your life for better or for worse. Moments are the pieces that build lives and bring them together. What would we be with moments.

It little moments like that, that only last a few seconds we don’t think that much of until they’ve become something bigger then we are able to handle. We take for grant little moments and actions, we think nothing of them. Until they have made this huge difference in life that we are not ready for. We aren’t prepared for it. It’s those little moments and action that we think nothing of that mean the most, that have the most reaction. Those moments and actions are the most important but we pay the least action to. It’s the anger, you saw in a friend but didn’t think twice about because it didn’t seem so bad. It must seem bad after he threatened you and won’t leave you alone… It must be bad enough that you threaten to go to the cops if he doesn’t leave you alone. If only you had saw that little bit of anger in that first moment, it wouldn’t have become what it is today. But I guess everything can’t be controlled. We don’t have that kind of power but it also would be horrible to pay attention to every little detail. What kind of life would that be going around trying to pay attention to every little miniscule thing that happens. You would not be living life. So I guess we’ll just go on forgetting these little moments until they become something more. Maybe that’s whats supposed to happen…. Maybe they aren’t supposed to be prevented. I mean something good might come from one. And wouldn’t it be horrible to miss that.

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