April 12, 2017

It's little moments like these that I am so grateful for having you guys in my life. We spent the day painting, there were lots of laughs and some what the heck facial expressions. It's simple and silly. The other night you tucked me, it was your idea. Might seem silly for a 26 year old to be tucked in but I got a comforting feeling from it. It felt like I was home and that's where I belonged. 

It's in the moments when we are having silly conversations but that we can also have serious ones. I know that with you I don't have to question or think twice when you say "I love you". That in itself is probably what gets me the most. For the first time I feel loved and it doesn't feel forced. 

I spent my whole life striving to be anyone but my mom, in school you were someone I looked upto and I still look upto. I wouldn't mind being like you. 

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