April 22, 2012

Let’s Talk About Dating…

Dating. By definition, dating is the process of going out for (first) dates with someone, its the time when you get to know each other. It’s also usually the time where you see that person for the first and last time. People whether they be guys or girls get overly excited about the person they are “talking” to or about to meet. This “excitement” can be seen by the other person, so in turn they get excited. Well this usually just ends in let downs, on one side or another. In the process of dating, everyone is always frustrated because no one knows where he or she stands. Are we dating? Are we not? Are we “together” or are we “talking” and seeing other people? Or the most asked and thought about question of all time. Are we more than just friends? All these questions arise but who wants to ask? No one. Why? Because who wants to seem like a pain or better yet who wants to get rejected. And it doesn’t get any less frustrating either, it only gets worse as you get older. It’s hard whether your thirteen, twenty-five, or forty-two, it never gets any easier.

Dating should be a fun time in life. Instead, its a time full of stomach aches and late nights waiting up for that “person” to text or call you back. The worst part of dating is finding that one person you think you connect with, that you are really interesting in and learning that they don’t feel the same way about you. So you strike out. And have to start all over again but who wants to do that? Who wants to keep setting themselves up so disappointment, when its so much easier to just sit back and wait for someone to find you. At the end of the day, dating is just a lot of disappointments and broken hearts. Dating is never going to get any simpler, so I guess its time to dive in and embrace it. Do think you are ready to take the chance?

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