August 12, 2013

The Girl.

I'm the girl that would rather stay in on a Friday night then go out to a bar. I'm the girl that loves doing her hair and getting dressed up in a cute dress. But I'm also the girl who would so much rather be in sweats and a big baggy shirt or sweatshirt with her hair in a messy bun. I'm the girl that believes and wants that happily ever after but deep down knows that happily ever after doesn't exist. I'm the girl that could stay buried in a book or multiple books for a day on end or days. I'm the girl who loves to make people laugh and see them smile. I'm the girl that is a hot mess more than half of the time. I'm the girl that needs to be reassured over and over that everything is going to be okay. I'm the girl that needs to hear that she is loved. I'm the girl who doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere most of the time. I'm the girl who has the biggest heart in the world. I'm the girl that finds it hard to trust because she has been hurt so many times by the people closest to her. I'm the girl that cries during the sappy romantic movies and books. I'm the girl that will worry herself silly about anything and everything.

I'm the girl that wants to make a difference in her students' lives'. I'm the girl that plays it safe. I'm the girl that loves helping others. I'm the girl that wishes she had a better relationship with her mother but has stopped trying because deep down she knows it's a lost cause. I'm the girl that is learning to fight for herself and what she deserves (baby steps anyway). I'm the girl that really just wants to be loved. I'm the girl that loves to plan and organize. I'm the girl that hates change but is slowly learning to accept it. I'm the girl that once she has had time to let a bad situation sink in she tries to turn it into a positive. I'm the girl who is trying to forget about perfect and live life imperfectly. I'm the girl that loves soaking in a tub filled with hit water but will settle for luke-warmish because of the MS. I'm the girl that will eventually have her own  happily ever after imperfectly. I'm the girl that paints her nails to relax herself. I'm the girl who loves blasting country music while she cooks. I'm the girl that more often than not feels like the biggest disappointment. I'm the girl that will surprise you and make you think twice.

I'm that girl and so much more.

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